Here's a few tips on searing scallops
First off, always dry your scallops (this applies for all proteins) on both sides before pan-frying them. This helps the caramelizing process.
Mix equal portions of salt and curry powder for the seasoning mix
Make sure they are evenly mixed prior to seasoning
When I sear scallops, I always cut them down the middle (horizontally) in order to gain a flat surface for seasoning and searing. Most scallops tend to have cracks on them, so this was the best solution for a consistent sear.
Cook on high heat with enough oil to fill an 1/8 of an inch in the saut� pan (seasoned carbon steel or Teflon preferably.) Sear for 2 minutes, turn off the heat and flip the scallops. let them rest in the pan for about 1 minute, then transfer them onto a paper/cloth towel to blot excess oil and liquid.
I plated these scallops with arugula, basil, and tomatoes dressed in olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper
The fundamentals of cooking always reveal themselves in the final dish, especially when done with finesse.
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