Milk - Deal of the Day

There is no real expiration date for my latest Deal of the Day, Gossner's U.H.T. Shelf Stable Milk, that I retrieved not from a refrigerated cold case, but from a regular room-temperature grocery shelf. I have seen this type of milk for a while now, but I never picked up a carton - until this year when I started seeing these cardboard packages in my local Dollar Tree.

Milk is extremely perishable so I stayed away from it. But at a buck for a quart of milk I thought, why not try it now?

Hey, it's just regular milk that is heated to 282 degrees and held for several seconds, then cooled to 70 degrees in a continuous pressurized system.  Basically the milk is overheated for extra shelf life, and can be stored at room temperature until you open the box. Once opened, the milk carton should be kept in the refrigerator, like regular cold milk from a cold deli case.

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This milk has no preservatives or artificial hormones, it's just plain milk. You can read all about their treatment process by clicking here. And the dairy producers Gossner, have been around since the 1940's and specialize in Swiss cheese. Upon developing their special heating and room temperature storage process, they now supply the military with milk. As you can imagine, this type of milk travels well on family vacations. And living in Los Angeles, I would add this milk to my emergency earthquake kit, too.

But the main question is, how does this milk taste? Once the milk is chilled there is no discernible difference. I have tried Gossner's 2% and whole milk, and they taste fine and rich enough. I mainly just add it to coffee and hot oatmeal.

I like that you can get a couple of cartons at a time, one to use and one to store, so you never run out during caffeinated mornings.

So how does Gossner's U.H.T. Shelf Stable Milk rate on my Cheap$kate Dining Scale of 1 to 9, 9 being best? It tastes as good as regular milk so I have to give it a perfect 9!

Go ahead and make the plunge next time you see this type of milk on your regular grocery shelves -- you can't beat the dollar price tag.

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