Hey, I'm all for that, but how does my latest Deal of the Day find of Egg and Smoked Gouda served on Multi-Grain Flatbread taste?
Darned good. It even microwaves quite nicely. The cheese melts just right and the egg puck is tender and hot, while the flatbread stays soft and warm. I don't know how they are able to pull it all off this successfully, but they do.
The first thing you taste is the cheese and egg combination. I thought smoked Gouda cheese would be more pungent, but this version is too subtle, and while mildly disappointing, that's still okay.
It reminded me more of typical American cheese. It would have been better to use a stronger brand of Gouda?
I always like a TV dinner ingredient list that is short like this one. A "vegetarian" label is on the package. Splitting hairs here, but I guess there are all kinds out there, even ones that eat chicken eggs.
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The Mulit-Grain Flatbread stayed soft and pliable for eating. It's just a basic baked wheaty flavor.
While this Deal of the Day breakfast sandwich will not replace preferred Egg McMuffins or other fast food biscuit sandwiches, this one is a low calorie and slightly blander version. And while a small sandwich, it is enough to get you started, along with a hot cup of java.
So on the Cheap$kate Dining Scale of 1 to 9, 9 being best, I give evol Foods Egg and Smoked Gouda breakfast sandwich a tasty 6 !
Try hacking this breakfast sandwich for a more delicious and nutritious breakfast, with a smear of mayo, a slice of tomato and some tender fresh spinach leaves. Now it's bumped up to perfect rating of 9!
This is a decent Deal of the Day way to start your morning, and you can easily eat it on the run - or while stuck in traffic on the way to work.
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