For our last ( :(((( ) dinner we went back to Luigi Pomata, where we had a workshop with the chef himself last week. We knew we were in store for some fancy food, and everyone was pretty pumped.
Luigi greeted us outside and led us in - it was nice to see a Chef we already knew.
Checkin' out the bathrooms - where girls and guys share (they don't seem to mind) !
wow, a few 10's to start...
Luigi described what they were going to serve us - a few things to try...
starting with sushi, and salmon drizzled with olive oil
everyone cleaned up those bowls!
We had front row seats to the seafood plating area, pretty cool to watch!
and now, the main course(s) - pasta with pesto, battered shrimp and fish with vegetables -
beautiful !!!!
After that, the jury of course did some interviews with other restaurant goers:
And then there was dessert - heavenly, heavenly chocolate dessert..
It was a pretty fitting end to a fantastic week of food.
Now, the big questions: Who will win the awards for BEST OF THE BEST, MOST DISGUSTING BUT BEST TASTING, BEST DRESSED WAITERS, and a dozen more?
FIND OUT SUNDAY AT THE AWARDS CEREMONY, 18.00h at Teatro Massimo. Ciao!!
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